Where Is the Microphone on iPhone 12

You might be wondering, “Where Is the Microphone on iPhone 12” You’re not alone! The sleek design of the iPhone 12 might make it a bit tricky to spot the microphone, but fear not! In this simple guide, we’ll direct you and show you exactly where to locate the microphone on your iPhone 12. Let’s unravel this mystery. Let’s ensure you’re all set to make crystal-clear calls. Record voice memos and rock those video chats with confidence!

Understanding the iPhone 12 Design

The iPhone 12 has a sleek design and impressive features. Sometimes, users wonder about the location of certain elements, like the microphone. If you’ve ever found yourself asking, “Where is the microphone on iPhone 12?” – you’re not alone! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll provide a simple and easy-to-follow explanation. You will know exactly where to find the microphone on your iPhone 12. This knowledge is crucial for making clear calls. It is also crucial for recording voice memos and engaging in seamless video chats. You may be interested in this also: How to Charge Apple TV Remote

So, let’s dive into the details and demystify the location of the microphone on your iPhone 12. Before we pinpoint the microphone location on the iPhone 12. Let’s first understand the sleek design. The iPhone 12 boasts a modern and minimalist design. It features a glass front and back and an aluminum frame. Its sleek appearance can sometimes make it challenging to identify specific component positions.

Where Is the Microphone on iPhone 12

Where Is the Microphone on iPhone 12

If you’ve ever wondered about the location of the microphones on your iPhone 12, you’re in the right place. We’ll walk you through identifying the different microphones on your iPhone 12. This will help you know where they are for various audio-related activities.

Front Microphone

  • Begin by looking at the top of your iPhone 12, near the front-facing camera.
  • You’ll find a small opening – this is the front microphone.
  • The front microphone plays a crucial role during calls. It makes your voice clear to the person on the other end.

Bottom Microphone

  • Direct your attention to the bottom of the iPhone 12, where you can find the charging port.
  • Next to the charging port and speaker, you’ll notice another small opening. This is the bottom microphone.
  • The bottom microphone is active during calls, video recording, and other audio-related activities.

Back Microphone

  • Flip your iPhone 12 over to the back, focusing on the area near the camera module.
  • You’ll find another small opening – this is the rear microphone.
  • The back microphone captures audio during video recording to complement the visuals.

Noise-Canceling Microphones

  • You need to know that the design integrates noise-canceling microphones.
  • These microphones work with the primary microphones to reduce background noise during calls. This enhances audio quality.

By following these simple steps, you can identify the microphones on your iPhone 12. Understanding their locations empowers you to use your device for calls, video recording. Additionally, it allows you to keep these areas clean for optimal microphone performance. Now that you’ve located the microphones on your iPhone 12. You’re ready to make crystal-clear calls. You’re also ready to capture high-quality audio in your videos.


Can I cover the microphones on my iPhone 12 with a case?

It’s advisable to use a case that doesn’t obstruct the microphone locations. To ensure optimal functionality, designers often leave the microphone areas open often.

Do I need to clean the microphones on my iPhone 12?

Yes, it’s a good practice to keep the microphone openings clean from dust and debris. Use a gentle brush or compressed air to remove any particles that might affect.

Why are there many microphones on the iPhone 12?

Many microphones serve different purposes. These features include noise cancellation. They also capture ambient sounds during video recording. And, they ensure clear voice transmission during calls.

Can I use external microphones with my iPhone 12 for better audio recording?

Yes, you can connect external microphones to your iPhone 12. This enhances audio recording. There are various compatible options available in the market.


Understanding the location of the microphones on your iPhone 12 is vital. It helps optimize your user experience. In conclusion, it’s important. The step-by-step guide provided here ensures that you can identify the different microphones. You can use it when making a call, recording a voice memo, or capturing precious moments in a video.

Knowing the microphone locations enhances the functionality of your iPhone 12. It also allows you to maintain these areas for optimal performance. Technology continues to advance. Having a grasp of the essential components of your device empowers you to make the most out of its features. So, next time you wonder, “Where is the microphone on iPhone 12?” – you’ll have the answer at your fingertips.

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